Computer most important full form A to Z
- ❖ GP : Graphics port
- ❖ AI : Artificial intelligence
- ❖ ALGOL : Algorithmic Language
- ❖ ALU : Arithmetic Logic Unit
- ❖ AM : Amplitude Modulation
- ❖ AMD : Advanced Micro Devices
- ❖ ANSI : American National standards
- Institute
- ❖ ARPNET : Advanced Research Project
- Agency Network
- ❖ ASIC : Application specific Integration
- circuit
- ❖ ASCII : American Standard code for
- Information Interchange
- ❖ ATM : Asynchronous Transfer
- Mode/Automatic Teller Machine
- ❖ BARC : Bhaba Atomic Research
- centre
- ❖ Basic : Beginners‟ All – Purpose
- symbolic In-suction code
- ❖ BCD : Binary coded Decimal
- ❖ BEMA : Business Equipment
- Manufactures association
- ❖ BIOS : Basic Input Output system
- ❖ BCR : Bar Code Reader
- ❖ BPI : Bytes per Inch
- ❖ BPS : Bits Per Second
- ❖ BSNL : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
- ❖ CAD : Computer Aided Design
- ❖ CAL : Computer Aided Leering
- ❖ CAM : Computer Aided
- Manufacturing
- ❖ CD : Compact Disk
- ❖ C-DAC : Centre for Development of
- Advanced computing
- ❖ C-DOT : Centre for Development of
- Telemetric
- ❖ CD-R : Compact Disk-Recordable
- ❖ CD-ROM : Compact Disk-Read only
- Memory
- ❖ CD-R/W : Compact Disk-Read/Write
- ❖ Class : Computer Literacy and Studies
- in school
- ❖ CMOS : Complementary Metal oxide
- semiconductor
- ❖ COBOL : Common business oriented
- Language
- ❖ CMY : Cyan – Magenta – Yellow
- ❖ Comal : Common Algorithmic
- Language
- ❖ CPI : Character Per Inch
- ❖ CPU : Central Processing Unit
- ❖ CRS : Computerised Reservation
- system
- ❖ CRT : Cathode Ray tube
- ❖ CTS : Clear to send
- ❖ CU : Control Unit
- ❖ D/a : Digital – to – Analog
- ❖ DBMS : Data Base Management
- system
- ❖ DDS : Digital Data Storage
- ❖ DEC : Digital Equipment Corporation
- ❖ DOS : Disk Operating system
- ❖ DPI : Dots per Inch
- ❖ DRDO : Defense Research and
- Development Organization
- ❖ DSHD : Double sided high Density
- ❖ DTP : Desk op publishing
- ❖ DTR : Data Terminal Ready
- ❖ DTS : Digital theater system
- ❖ DVD : Digital Video/Versatile Disk
- ❖ E-business : Electronicd business
- ❖ E-Commerce : Electronic Commerce
- ❖ E-Mail : Electronic Mail
- ❖ EBCDIC : Exended binary coded
- Decimal In terchange Code
- ❖ EDP : Electronic data processing
- ❖ EEPROM : Electrically Erasable
- programmable Read only memory
- ❖ EFT : Electronic fund Transfer
- ❖ ENIAC : Electronic Numerical
- integrator and calculator
- ❖ EPROM : Erasable programmable
- Read only Memory
- ❖ ERNET : Education and Research
- Network
- ❖ EXE : Execution
- ❖ FAT : file allocation table
- ❖ FD : Floppy disk
- ❖ FDM : Frequency division
- multiplexing
- ❖ FET : Eifel Effect Transitory
- ❖ FIFO : First – In, First – out
- ❖ FILO : First In, Last Out
- ❖ FM : Frequency Modulation
- ❖ Fortran : Formula translation
- ❖ FSK : Frequency shift Keying
- ❖ FTP : file Transfer Protocol
- ❖ GB : Giga Bytes
- ❖ GIGO : Garbage in garbage out
- ❖ GIS : Geographical information system
- ❖ GPL : general public license
- ❖ GPS : Global positioning system
- ❖ GUI : Graphical user interface
- ❖ HLL : High Level Language
- ❖ HP : Hewlett Packard
- ❖ HTML : Hyper Text Mark-up
- Language
- ❖ HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- ❖ IBM : International business Machines
- ❖ IC : Integrated Circuit
- ❖ I/O : Input – Output
- ❖ IP : Internet Protocol
- ❖ IRC : Internet Relay chat
- ❖ ISDN : Integrated services digital
- Network
- ❖ ISH : Information super highway
- ❖ ISO : International standards
- Organization
- ❖ ISP : Internet service provider
- ❖ IT : Information technology
- ❖ JPEG : Joint Photographic expert
- group
- ❖ JRE : Jav Runtime Engine
- ❖ JSP : Java Server pages
- ❖ KB : Kilo bytes
- ❖ KIPS : Knowledge information
- processing system
- ❖ LAN : Local Area Network
- ❖ Laser : Light amplification for
- stimulated emission of radiation
- ❖ LCD : Liquid crystal display
- ❖ LD : Laser diode
- ❖ LEd : Light – Emitting diode
- ❖ LISP : Lit processing
- ❖ LLL : Low Level language
- ❖ LSD : Least significant digit
- ❖ LSI : Least significant digit
- ❖ LSI : Large scale integration
- ❖ MAN : Metropolitan Area Network
- ❖ MB : Mega Bytes
- ❖ MHz : Mega Hertz
- ❖ MICR : Magnetic Ink character
- recognition
- ❖ MIDI : Musical instrument digital
- interface
- ❖ MIPS : Million Instructions Per
- second
- ❖ MODEM : Modulator –
- Demodulator
- ❖ MOPS : Million operations per
- second
- ❖ MOS : Metal oxide semiconductor
- ❖ MPEG : Moving picture expert
- group
- ❖ MP-3 : MPEG-I Audio Layer 3
- ❖ MS : Microsoft
- ❖ MSD : Most significant digit
- ❖ MSD : Most significant digit
- ❖ MSI : Medium scale Integration
- ❖ MTBF : Mean time between Failure
- ❖ MTNL : Mahanagar Telephone
- Nigam limited
- ❖ NICNET : National Informatics
- centre Network
- ❖ NIU : Network interface Unit
- ❖ NTSC : National television
- standards committee
- ❖ EDP : Electronic data processing
- ❖ EEPROM : Electrically Erasable
- programmable Read only memory
- ❖ EFT : Electronic fund Transfer
- ❖ ENIAC : Electronic Numerical
- integrator and calculator
- ❖ EPROM : Erasable programmable
- Read only Memory
- ❖ ERNET : Education and Research
- Network
- ❖ EXE : Execution
- ❖ FAT : file allocation table
- ❖ FD : Floppy disk
- ❖ FDM : Frequency division
- multiplexing
- ❖ FET : Eifel Effect Transitory
- ❖ FIFO : First – In, First – out
- ❖ FILO : First In, Last Out
- ❖ FM : Frequency Modulation
- ❖ Fortran : Formula translation
- ❖ FSK : Frequency shift Keying
- ❖ FTP : file Transfer Protocol
- ❖ GB : Giga Bytes
- ❖ GIGO : Garbage in garbage out
- ❖ GIS : Geographical information system
- ❖ GPL : general public license
- ❖ GPS : Global positioning system
- ❖ GUI : Graphical user interface
- ❖ HLL : High Level Language
- ❖ HP : Hewlett Packard
- ❖ HTML : Hyper Text Mark-up
- Language
- ❖ HTTP : Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
- ❖ IBM : International business Machines
- ❖ IC : Integrated Circuit
- ❖ I/O : Input – Output
- ❖ IP : Internet Protocol
- ❖ IRC : Internet Relay chat
- ❖ ISDN : Integrated services digital
- Network
- ❖ ISH : Information super highway
- ❖ ISO : International standards
- Organization
- ❖ ISP : Internet service provider
- ❖ IT : Information technology
- ❖ JPEG : Joint Photographic expert
- group
- ❖ JRE : Jav Runtime Engine
- ❖ JSP : Java Server pages
- ❖ KB : Kilo bytes
- ❖ KIPS : Knowledge information
- processing system
- ❖ LAN : Local Area Network
- ❖ Laser : Light amplification for
- stimulated emission of radiation
- ❖ LCD : Liquid crystal display
- ❖ LD : Laser diode
- ❖ LEd : Light – Emitting diode
- ❖ LISP : Lit processing
- ❖ LLL : Low Level language
- ❖ LSD : Least significant digit
- ❖ LSI : Least significant digit
- ❖ LSI : Large scale integration
- ❖ MAN : Metropolitan Area Network
- ❖ MB : Mega Bytes
- ❖ MHz : Mega Hertz
- ❖ MICR : Magnetic Ink character
- recognition
- ❖ MIDI : Musical instrument digital
- interface
- ❖ MIPS : Million Instructions Per
- second
- ❖ MODEM : Modulator –
- Demodulator
- ❖ MOPS : Million operations per
- second
- ❖ MOS : Metal oxide semiconductor
- ❖ MPEG : Moving picture expert
- group
- ❖ MP-3 : MPEG-I Audio Layer 3
- ❖ MS : Microsoft
- ❖ MSD : Most significant digit
- ❖ MSD : Most significant digit
- ❖ MSI : Medium scale Integration
- ❖ MTBF : Mean time between Failure
- ❖ MTNL : Mahanagar Telephone
- Nigam limited
- ❖ NICNET : National Informatics
- centre Network
- ❖ NIU : Network interface Unit
- ❖ NTSC : National television
- standards committee
- OCR : Optical character recognition
- ❖ OMR : Optical Mark Reader
- ❖ OOP : Object oriented programming
- ❖ OS : Operating system
- ❖ OSS : Open source software
- ❖ PAL : Phase alternation Line
- ❖ PC : Personal computer
- ❖ PCB : Printed circuit board
- ❖ PCI : Peripheral component
- interconnect
- ❖ PDA : Personal digital Assistant
- ❖ PDF : Portable document format
- ❖ PL/1 : Programming language 1
- ❖ PM : Phase modulation
- ❖ POST : Power on self test
- ❖ PPM : Pages per minute
- ❖ Prolog : Programming in logic
- ❖ PROM : Programmable Read only
- Memory
- ❖ PSTN : Public switched telephone
- network
- ❖ QAS : Quality assurance service
- ❖ RAM : random access memory
- ❖ RGB : Red, Green, blue
- ❖ ROM : Read only Memory
- ❖ RPG : Report program generator
- ❖ RS-232 : Recommended standard
- 2-3-2
- ❖ SCSI : Small computer system
- interface
- ❖ SEQUEL : Structured English
- quer Language
- ❖ SIMM : Single in line memory
- module
- ❖ SSI : small scale integration
- ❖ SVGA : Super Video graphics
- arrary
- ❖ TB : Tera byte
- ❖ TCP : Transmission control protocol
- ❖ TDM : Time division multiplexing
- ❖ ULSI : Ultra large scale Integration
- ❖ UNIVAC : Universal Automatic
- computer
- ❖ UPS : Uninterrupted power supply
- ❖ URL : Uniform resource locater
- ❖ USB : Universal serial bus
- ❖ UVEprom : Ultra violet erasable
- programmable read only memory
- ❖ VAN : Value aided network
- ❖ VCR : Video cassette recorder
- ❖ VDU : Video display unit
- ❖ VGA : Video graphics array
- ❖ Virus : Vital information resources
- under seize
- ❖ VLSI : Very lage scle integration
- ❖ VSNL : Videsh Sanchar Nigam
- limited.
- ❖ WAN : Wide area network
- ❖ WaP : Wireless application Protocol
- ❖ WLL : Wireless local loop
- ❖ WMP : Windows media player
- ❖ WORM : Write once – read many
- ❖ WWW : World wide web
- ❖ XMS : Extended memory
- specification
- ❖ 2G : Second generation wireless
- networking
- ❖ 3G : Third generation wireless
- networking technology
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